Follow These 8 IT Helpdesk Best Practices for Long-Term Success

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Addressing technical problems is pivotal for the uninterrupted operation of contemporary enterprises. That said, many companies struggle with resolving IT issues while managing their primary tasks. Implementing IT help desk best practices is essential for overcoming this obstacle.


“As remote work arrangements become the norm, following IT help desk best practice and IT help desk categories best practices becomes critical for boosting operational efficiency and maintaining customer service excellence,” notes Christian Hernandez, CEO of JCM Telecom.


Providing exceptional technical support is fundamental to delivering superior customer service and maintaining employee productivity. Following the pandemic, there has been a notable increase of 16% in ticket volume, a pattern anticipated to persist as businesses move towards remote or hybrid working models.

Committing to IT help desk best practices is crucial for the support team to operate with efficiency and effectiveness, ensuring every support ticket is addressed.

In this article, we’ll explore eight vital IT help desk best practices and highlight their importance for effective customer support and management of help desk teams, which enhances customer experience.


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What Sets an IT Help Desk Apart from a Service Desk?

In order to improve IT support efficiency, understanding the key differences between an IT help desk and a service desk is crucial.

Interacting with a service desk means that your concerns are addressed by experts skilled in managing intricate IT challenges. Often, a service desk agent investigates further, seeking more details or additional services.

Conversely, an IT help desk adopts a solution-focused approach. It primarily relies on automated desk software to generate support tickets and tackle basic IT inquiries, helping your support team in handling an influx of questions.

When your end-users turn to a help desk application, they are in pursuit of solutions to their issues, which might be forwarded to your service desk for more complex resolution.

Applying IT help desk best practices means leveraging your help desk as supplementary support for your team members, boosting their capacity to solve problems with greater efficiency and effectiveness.


8 Crucial IT Help Desk Best Practices for Every Organization

Now that you understand the key differences between IT help desk and service desk best practices, let’s examine eight indispensable IT help desk best practices that all businesses should consider adopting.


1. Selecting the Ideal Help Desk Software

Conduct thorough research to find the help desk software that aligns perfectly with your company’s requirements. Opt for solutions that are intuitive, integrate effortlessly with your current infrastructure, and notably shorten resolution time.

Opting for software with a service portal is advisable, as it simplifies the process for users to log support requests. This not only elevates the customer experience but also fosters trust among your end-users.


2. Appropriately Staffing to Manage Support Requests

It’s a known fact that larger organizations typically experience a greater ticket volume compared to smaller or medium-sized entities, an indicator not of product or service deficits but of the extent of the user base.

As a result, it’s critical to ensure your support team is well-staffed to tackle issues promptly, maintaining minimal response times. Overburdened support agents may face difficulties in resolving problems quickly, which can adversely affect customer satisfaction.

When hiring desk teams, also take into account the geographical spread of your service, guaranteeing that users across different time zones receive consistent, high-quality support.


3. Efficiently Categorizing Support Tickets

Systematically organize your support tickets to allow your team members to swiftly discern and prioritize issues. Common categorizations include bugs, feature requests, or instructional support.

Following IT help desk categories’ best practices is crucial and often involves:

  • Utilizing clear category titles to prevent confusion among your team members
  • Adding extra fields in tickets for more details, like the request timing or user identities
  • Tailoring categories to boost operational efficiency and effectiveness, with tags such as “resolvable tickets” or “closed tickets,” offering explicit instructions on ticket management


4. Adopting Automated Ticketing Systems

Help desk teams employing automated systems experience a 69% increase in job satisfaction. These systems adeptly manage ticket volume without eliminating personal interaction, ensuring tickets are assigned to the most suitable support agents.

Employ automation for ticket routing and resolving straightforward technical issues, granting your agents additional time to address more complex challenges.



5. Implementing a Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Institute a Service Level Agreement (SLA) for your help desk team, delineating key benchmarks like minimal response times and acceptable issue resolution rates.

An SLA encourages your technicians and provides a measurable standard for gauging their performance. Furthermore, it clarifies expectations, preventing any misunderstandings in discussions and evaluations.


6. Building a Comprehensive Knowledge Base

Develop a knowledge base that offers your desk teams quick references for common issues, encompassing crucial contact information and escalation protocols.

A well-maintained knowledge base enhances your support team’s capability to swiftly address problems by accessing pre-existing solutions, saving time otherwise spent devising new solutions.


7. Monitoring Customer Satisfaction Metrics

Assess the efficiency and effectiveness of each support agent’s problem-solving efforts and track user satisfaction levels. Analyze unresolved tickets over specific intervals and carry out surveys post-issue resolution to measure customer satisfaction.

This data is vital for identifying areas of improvement in your support services, be it additional training for agents or upgrades to your help desk software.


8. Customizing Follow-Ups Post Issue Resolution

A study from Mediapost found that 84% of customers prefer personalized attention rather than being treated as just another ticket number. Delivering personalized service to a vast clientele poses its own set of challenges.

Ensure that you send follow-up messages to users after their issues have been resolved, irrespective of the problem’s complexity or the resolution’s speed. This gesture of personalized engagement significantly elevates customer satisfaction, making individuals feel recognized and valued.


In a Nutshell: IT Helpdesk Best Practices


Best Practice

Why It’s Important

What You Gain

Pick the Right Help Desk Software Find software that fits your needs and makes things easier and faster. Better user experience, making customers happier.
Staff Your Team Well Have enough people to respond quickly, especially across different time zones. Faster responses, happier customers.
Organize Tickets Efficiently Keep tickets sorted so you can prioritize and tackle them fast. Speeds up problem-solving, cuts down on confusion.
Use Automated Ticketing Automation handles routine tasks, freeing up your team for bigger issues. Happier team, smoother process.
Set Up a Service Level Agreement (SLA) An SLA sets clear goals for response times and solving problems. Keeps everyone on the same page, improving service.
Create a Knowledge Base A go-to resource for common issues saves time and effort. Quicker fixes, less reinventing the wheel.
Track Customer Satisfaction Measure how well you’re solving problems and keeping users happy. Shows where to improve, leading to better service.
Personalize Follow-Ups Send tailored messages after solving a user’s problem. Makes customers feel valued, boosting satisfaction.


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IT Help Desk Best Practices


Work With a Partner That Follows Every IT Help Desk Best Practice for Better Results

Adhering to the eight essential IT help desk best practices lays a solid foundation for managing your IT support effectively. However, collaborating with experienced professionals can take your operations to the next level.

JCM Telecom provides reliable 24/7 IT help desk services, resolving 95% of tickets within 24 hours. This quick response minimizes disruption to your daily activities, ensuring prompt resolution of IT issues.


Trusted IT Help Desk Services Near You


By partnering with JCM Telecom, you’ll experience a reduction in recurring IT problems, thanks to our extensive remote and on-site technical support services. In addition, you’ll always interact with actual JCM representatives every time you call.

Our dedication to IT help desk best practices guarantees that your IT support system is managed both efficiently and effectively, resulting in enhanced customer satisfaction and smoother operations.

Reach out to us today to upgrade your help desk support, delivering advantages to both your remote users and internal team members.